Thursday, September 25, 2014

Demonstrating Your Worth With A Professional Portfolio

This clip is primarily for those applying for Administrative Assistant position but it applies perfectly for those of you applying for a Medical Office position!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

"Quality Experience"... In Medical Billing

Laurus Medical Billing Graduates....


I just talked with a Laurus Medical Billing graduate who got  an interview for a job that asked for 2 years experience.

How did she do it?

She told the truth about our training...

Laurus College offers real cases from real medical files as part of our education.

Then she went in with a portfolio filled with examples including multiple "Approved" CMS 1500 Forms.

The Laurus Medical Billing program has been carefully crafted to include real world experience rather than book knowledge.  You don't just read about medical billing at Laurus,  you learn by doing!  Explain this with confidence in your cover letter and at your interview.  And don't just tell them, show them.  It will have 10x the impact.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Medical Billing Posted Positions

Sometimes medical billing candidates miss out on opportunities because the jobs are posted with such a huge variety of names.  In larger billing offices, the position is often posted by the specific process name rather than the term medical billing.  Above is a process chart from one hospital.  The jobs would usually get posted by the specific part of the process rather than the more generic term, "medical billing".

Here is a short list of some medical billing names used by different medical organizations:

Payment Poster  
Account Clerk  
Patient Reimbursement Specialist  
Patient Account Representative  
Patient Accounts Rep  
Medical Bill Processor 
Claims Team Member  
Billing Registration Representative  
Patient Authorization Representative  
Patient Service Representative  
Patient Representative  
Health Information Management Clerk  
Referral Clerk 
Customer Care Representative  
Specialist Clerk  
Billing Customer Service Representative  
Collector Billings and Collections Specialist  
Claims Examiner  
Reimbursement Liaison  
Billing and Coding Specialist  
Care Coordination Representative  
Payment Posting Specialist  
Patient Care 
Coordinator Coder  
Patient Financial Services  
Voucher Examiner  
Patient Service Associate  
Account Management Coordinator  
Accounts Receivable  
A/R Billing Representative  
Business Office Assistant  
Outpatient Coder  
Inpatient Coder  
Patient Access Representative  
Revenue Cycle Specialist  
Reimbursement Counselor  
Medi-Care Biller  
Managed Care Recovery


Friday, July 4, 2014

career value of learning excel infographic skilledup

This infographic was originally published on

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Medical Billing Interview Preparation

I just got a call from a Doctor's Office requesting that we send them a candidate to replace one of our previous graduates who was advancing to a better job. I asked what software system they were using and found out it was a program called Amazing Charts. Curious, I Googled Amazing Charts and found they had YouTube tutorials available on a link from the website.

You should always go into a job interview prepared. If you want to impress your interviewer, ask about the software they use when they call you for the interview. If you are doing direct contact into the un-posted job market, why not do a survey call before you walk-in with your resume. Find out what doctors use which programs. Then quickly familiarize yourself with the programs being used. You might even mention your familiarity on your customized resume or in a cover or search letter.

Here is an introductory video for "Amazing Charts"

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Last week we had a great opportunity to help fill 10 Medical CSR positions. It was absolutely perfect for our medical billing graduates who wanted to get some needed experience as they move toward their dream career. As I worked through a list of around 50 recent graduates, several rose quickly to the top and they were immediately contacted for interviews.

I was excited for them as I worked with each to make some last minute tweaks in their resume. But I was saddened at the same time. Let me explain...

I put an A+ on everyone's forehead. I believe all of our students have incredible potential to excel in a field they are passionate about and have done the hard work of preparation in an accredited program. But some students and graduates make it much harder than it needs to be to enter and advance in their chosen profession. Here some of the obstacles I ran across as I tried to connect with people and share the job opportunity:

1. Cell phone voice mail full... I couldn't leave a message.

2. Cell phone voice mail not set up.

3. No voice mail.

4. Unprofessional phone greeting like "Hey...What's Up?"

5. Unprofessional email address.

6. No resume on file.

7. Resume on file with too many errors to fix quickly.

8. History of not showing up to Career Services appointments.

9. History of repeatedly canceling career service appointments.

10. Student/Graduate has history of not returning Career Services phone calls.

Respectfully I ask you to.... STOP IT!!!

These are easy to fix and critical to building a successful career.